We begin at the end (Chris Whitaker)

we begin at the end cover

Introduction We Begin at the End is a gripping novel by Chris Whitaker. The story blends crime, drama, and family sagas. It’s a tale of two broken characters: Duchess Day Radley, a self-proclaimed outlaw, and Walker, a weary cop. Their lives intertwine in a small California town burdened by secrets. Whitaker’s narrative is powerful, painting … Read more

Margo’s Got money Troubles : A novel (Rufi Thorpe)

Margo's got money troubles cover

Introduction Rufi Thorpe’s Margo’s Got Money Troubles is a novel that digs deep into the complexities of financial struggles in modern-day America. Through the eyes of the protagonist, Margo, Thorpe paints a vivid picture of how money—or the lack thereof—can impact every aspect of life. This book is not just a story about financial woes; … Read more

Deacon King Kong (James McBride)

King Kong book cover

James McBride’s Deacon King Kong is a vibrant and layered novel that masterfully intertwines humor, tragedy, and social commentary. Set in 1969 Brooklyn, the novel begins with a startling act of violence: Sportcoat, an aging church deacon, shoots a young drug dealer, Deems Clemens, in broad daylight. What follows is a compelling exploration of a … Read more

The Maid: A Novel (Nita Prose)

The maid Cover

Introduction Nita Prose’s debut novel, “The Maid”, has captured the hearts of readers and critics alike, quickly becoming a popular pick on Amazon. This contemporary mystery novel combines a compelling plot with deep character exploration, making it a must-read for fans of both genres. The story revolves around Molly, a dedicated maid at the luxurious … Read more

All The Light We Cannot See (Anthony Doerr)

all the light we cannot see cover

“All the Light We Cannot See” by Anthony Doerr is a poignant and intricate novel set against the backdrop of World War II. The narrative intricately weaves together the lives of two young protagonists: Marie-Laure LeBlanc and Werner Pfennig, whose paths eventually converge in the war-torn city of Saint-Malo, France. and book cover is here. … Read more

The Prodigal’s sister (John Piper)

the prodigal's sister cover

John Piper’s “The Prodigal’s Sister” offers a refreshing and imaginative extension to the well-known parable of the Prodigal Son. This cover is below.  Through poetic verses and compelling storytelling, Piper explores the untold story of the prodigal’s sister, Hahyaneta, adding depth and new perspectives to this biblical narrative. The book begins with a heartfelt introduction, … Read more

태블릿에서 테이블로 (레나 스윗)

태블릿에서 테이블로 표지

레너드 스윗의 책, “태블릿에서 테이블로 – 식탁에서 맛보는 신앙과 교회의 본질”을 소개하려고한다. 이 책은 디지털 시대에서 우리의 신앙과 교회의 본질을 어떻게 유지할 수 있을지에 대한 깊은 통찰을 제공하며 표지는 아래와 같다 . 영어버전이 필요하면 English Verson 여기를 누르면된다. 디지털 시대와 신앙의 도전 책의 첫 부분에서는 디지털 기기의 발전과 함께 우리가 겪고 있는 생활 방식의 변화를 … Read more

From Tablet to table (Leonard Sweet)

from tablet to table cover

I want to introduce you to Leonard Sweet’s book, From Tablet to Table. This book provides deep insights into how we can maintain the essence of our faith and the church in this digital age. this book’s cover is here. And if you want to see a Korean translation, click here. Challenges of Faith in … Read more

불편한 편의점 (김호연)

불편한 편의점1 표지

‘불편한 편의점’이라는 책을 처음 알게 된 건 우연이었다. 서점에 갔다가 약속 시간보다 조금 일찍 도착해서 내 취미인 책방을 둘러보고 있었다. 그때 베스트셀러 코너에서 ‘불편한 편의점’을 발견하게 됐다. 제목이 눈길을 끌어 책을 들춰보았고, 그만 약속 시간에 늦을 뻔했다. 이 책은 오랜만에 몰입해서 읽은 작품이었다. 한 장, 한 장 넘기며 밤새 읽을 정도로 빠져들었다. 단편적인 이야기들이 모여 … Read more

Strange Scriptures That Perplex The Western Mind (Barbara M. Bowen)

Strange Scriptures That Perplex the Western Mind BOOK COVER

Introduction 한국어 리뷰는 여기를 눌러주세요 In the Bible, there are often expressions that are not easily understood by us. These expressions can be so challenging that they require someone to explain them calmly. Due to our limited understanding of the cultural context of the Bible, it can be difficult to fully grasp their meaning. For … Read more